Christmas Cards

Christmas cards hang in many places in our house. With my husband’s “high-profile” job, a lot of love comes our way this time of year, and we are grateful. It is adds a lot of cheer and warmth to our home to have all these visual reminders of care right where we can see them. During the year, we sometimes (sadly) forget all the friends we have!

It is always something we talk about at the beginning of the Christmas season- where are we going to display the cards this year? We are amazed at the variety and type of cards that we see- glittery, handmade, gilt edges, from nearby and faraway- rarely do we receive two of the same card in one year.

Last year, I wrote about My Favourite Christmas Card

This year, two of my children did artwork in school that was then reproduced in greeting cards for Christmas. One of our friends sent us a card with the artwork of my daughter (so thoughtful!). I think you’ll agree, it is perfect: